Contact Us
Welcome to the Contact page for the Spokane Homeless Coalition.
Send email to [email protected] to be added to the listserv. You must include a first and last name and email.
- Looking for information not on the website?
- Want to ask a general question?
- Subscribe to our list-serve e-mail (Google Groups)?
- Have a suggestion for improving our services?
- Something else?
- Like and Follow our Facebook Page!
Send email to [email protected] to be added to the listserv. You must include a first and last name and email.
Looking For Help? The Spokane Homeless Coalition is a network of the many great agencies and ministries which provide social services in Spokane County. We are not a social service agency and do not provide any direct services. But we do maintain an updated “Finding Help” page here on our website, designed to provide you with important first responses for finding help. Moving forward, your best strategy for finding assistance is to contact an agency and to develop a working relationship with a case manager who can help you navigate the many options that may be available to you. Do this early in your experience (like, now!), and understand that finding the appropriate resources often takes more time that you think it will.
DO NOT USE the box to the right. It is malfunctioning and we are trying to fix it.